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Helpful General Websites: –
MacMillan Cancer Relief –
Probably one of the most well-known UK sites for persons affected by Cancer. Provides very useful information and practical advice. Many publications are available.
Cancer Research UK –
Very useful website providing very good advice on wide ranging topics.
Cancer concerns us –
A very helpful website. Provides information on a variety of topics covering cancer and treatments in France. Has a list of various different associations covering specific cancers such as bowel cancer and leukaemia.
Cancer Back up –
Provides up to date information, practical help, advice and support. Publications are available.
The World Cancer Research Fund –
Available in English and French. Dedicated through research to the prevention of, and control of cancer, by means of healthy food and nutrition, physical activity and body weight.
Orchid Cancer –
UK Charity devoted to research and treatment of CANCER IN MEN.
French Websites: –
La Ligue Nationale contre le cancer –
Fantastic site for those who can read French, with up to date information on cancer and treatments, and support in France.
Institute National du Cancer (INCa) –
Website mostly in French but some English. Lists different types of cancer, their management and life during and after the illness. Coping with cancer.